Mazuri® Electrolyte

Mazuri® Electrolyte supports hydration in small mammals, including rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, and ferrets. When animals experience dehydration and electrolyte loss, these imbalances must be addressed quickly. Mazuri® Electrolyte can help support hydration and energy when used before and during stressful situations.

  • Provides quick energy – contains sugar as an energy source and to support electrolyte solution intake
  • Helps support hydration and electrolyte balance during times of stress, such as weaning, illness, diarrhea, pre- and post-surgery, and transportation
  • Contains glycine and citric acid for optimal absorption of water and electrolytes
  • Easy to mix, dissolves rapidly and stays in solution
  • Great taste encourages water intake

Product Sheet

SKU 1819300-717


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Every exotic animal deserves the right nutrition

Moisture not more than 5.0%
Phosphorus not less than 0.7%
Potassium not less than 2.0%
Sodium not more than 5.3%
Salt not less than 13.0%
Sugar not less than 65.0%
Glycine not less than 8.0%

Sugar, Salt, Glycine, Citric Acid, Potassium Citrate, Monopotassium Phosphate.

Mix one scoop (1 tablespoon, ~15 g) of Mazuri® Electrolyte into 8 ounces (240 ml) of water and stir to dissolve completely. Leave water bottle in enclosure for no longer than 12 hours, then replace with a fresh solution as needed. Thoroughly clean water bottle after use. Always provide animals a non-supplemented (water-only) drinking option.

Monitor animal health closely. In case of serious dehydration or to evaluate your animal’s specific needs, please contact your veterinarian. Not for human consumption.

Storage Conditions
Store in a cool (75°or cooler), dry (approximately 50% RH) location. Ensure canister lid is fully closed between usage and keep free from moisture to prevent clumping.

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